New Jersey drivers like you may face many injuries after a crash. The most common involve your neck, back and head. These injuries also tend to have the strongest, longest-lasting impact. The severity of head injuries in particular can cause you great problems in the long and short term.
How do you recognize the signs of these brain injuries? And if you do have one, how do you deal with it?
Symptoms of a traumatic brain injury
Mayo Clinic discusses traumatic brain injuries in car crash victims. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) have a range of symptoms ranging from mild to severe. But even the most mild form of TBI can still involve notable symptoms like:
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fatigue or drowsiness
- Loss of consciousness that can last for minutes
- Entering a state of confusion
More severe TBIs have even more pronounced symptoms. They may include:
- Convulsions or seizures
- Losing consciousness for up to hours
- Numbness or weakness in the digits
- Clear fluids draining from the ears or nose
Handling a TBI
So how do you deal with a TBI? If you believe you have one, you must immediately seek medical attention. Even the more mild forms need the opinion of a medical professional. A TBI can result in the swelling of your brain. If this swelling goes unchecked, the brain can press up against the inside of the skull. This can actually lead to cell death. In turn, this results in brain damage. Potential brain damage may mean a future full of health and financial problems. This is why you need swift care. Do not risk this kind of extensive harm.