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Attorneys you can trust to protect your best interests.

Leading Parents And Children Toward Post-IEP Life

If you have a child with special needs who is near graduating high school, you might feel as if you are approaching a cliff’s edge. This is how many parents describe the period after high school for their children who have special needs. Planning for the transition as early as possible can make it less jarring for both you and your child.

At Weisberg & Klauber, LLC, we can help you. Our New Jersey IEP attorneys have decades of legal experience that they devote to helping the parents of children with special needs. We can help you plan for what comes next in your teenager’s life.

What Does Transition Planning Look Like?

Teenagers who have individualized education plans (IEPs) face many challenges after leaving high school. The process of planning your child’s post-high school transition will look slightly different for every parent, as every child is unique. However, these are a few of the general steps that you can expect to take:

  1. Have your child undergo an assessment to determine their strengths, weaknesses and needs
  2. Discuss the results at an IEP meeting
  3. Develop a transition plan with the IEP team
  4. Reach out to community resources such as tutors, therapists, family members
  5. Consider whether a special needs guardianship is necessary
  6. Communicate with your child to ensure their voice is heard

If possible, do not wait until the second semester of your child’s senior year to address the issue. In New Jersey, many schools begin transition planning when a child is 14. Some students may be entitled to receive additional special education services after they turn 18. You should consult an IEP meeting lawyer to learn more about your child’s options and get answers to your questions.

Speak With A Special Education Attorney Today

Weisberg & Klauber, LLC, has caring, knowledgeable attorneys to advise you on transition planning for students who have IEPs. You can schedule a consultation with us by calling 732-686-6440 or by using our online contact form. We have offices in New Brunswick and Ocean Township.