Typically, spouses maintain a lifestyle that becomes essential to their lives. So understandably, the dissolution of marriage would drastically affect at least one of the spouses. For this reason, the courts award spousal support to the party more likely to be...
Spousal Support
What does New Jersey consider when awarding alimony?
When your New Jersey marriage ends in divorce, your financial big picture may look decidedly different than it did before. This may be especially true if you stopped working or attending school to raise your family or run your household. When you have concerns about...
5 types of spousal support in a New Jersey divorce
Alimony, also known as spousal support, is money paid by one spouse to the other during or after the divorce process. While either spouse can request support, the court considers many factors before making this type of award. Spousal support helps the individual with...
Does child support impact alimony?
The most common setup in a divorce is that whoever pays child support also pays alimony. This is because the way the court calculates the two is similar, and in most cases, the parent who has the children most of the time earns the least amount of money. According to...
Need is at the heart of alimony
Alimony or spousal support is often a part of a divorce agreement. Typically, you will find it is prevalent in higher asset divorce cases where one spouse may not have worked during the marriage and the other spouse is a high wage earner. The ultimate goal of spousal...