Store owners have a lot to think about when it comes to keeping employees and customers safe. Slips and falls happen for a number of reasons, and they can result in injuries such as broken bones, sprained muscles, head injuries, back injuries and contusions.
In many cases, certain actions can prevent these accidents and injuries from occurring. Everyone involved in the store, including the owner and employees, needs to keep an eye out for situations that increase the risk of slips and falls to avoid liability.
Slip and fall accident information and controlling liability risk
According to the Insurance Information Institute, slip and fall accidents are a very common liability risk for business owners. In fact, thousands of customers receive some type of injury every year from these types of accidents.
Although owners are ultimately responsible for minimizing hazard risk, training employees is one of the best tactics to keep everyday operations running smoothly. Along with conducting periodic inspections of the store, managers should also train employees on what to do if someone does fall on the premises. One of the first things is to attend to the customer’s medical needs, as someone is less likely to sue if they feel others cared about what happened and did their best to help.
Prevention methods
According to the Emory University Environmental Health and Safety Office, employees should wipe up any spills right away and place a sign warning others of the wet floor. Other prevention methods include:
- Clearing steps of all objects
- Placing or repairing handrails on stairs
- Fixing curled-up or frayed rugs
- Providing proper lighting
- Fixing broken stairs
Fall prevention should occur both inside and outside the store. Someone should periodically check the sidewalk and parking lot for hazards that could lead to falls.